


Artificial Intelligence applied to churn prevention: the future of customer relations
Customer loyalty is a fundamental objective for any company that wants to remain at the top of its market, whichever it may be, but to ...
Artificial IntelligenceDigital Transformation
How to achieve your goals with ease in B2B and B2C operations by making the most of Artificial Intelligence
In the current context in which innovation and digitization have become essential elements to ensure business continuity, every company, whether targeting B2B or B2C markets, ...
Artificial IntelligenceDebt Collection
How Artificial Intelligence allows for the optimization of debt collection services of banking and insurance companies
The current economic and commercial instability is playing an increasingly important role in the world of debt collection, with particular reference to companies in the ...
Artificial IntelligenceTelesales
Cross-selling and Artificial Intelligence: how to enhance your Customer Base
The relationship between a consumer and a company does not end at the moment of conversion, rather, it can be said that this moment is ...
Artificial IntelligenceLead Generation
Artificial Intelligence and Lead Generation: a winning combination
All companies, large or small, have the need to find new customers in order to increase revenues and strengthen themselves within their reference market, consequently ...
Artificial IntelligenceDebt Collection
Debt Collection and Utilities: Artificial Intelligence enables more effective credit management
The Utility sector is experiencing very complex and delicate phases: the conflict in Ukraine and the international tensions that have arisen have led to a ...
Artificial IntelligenceTelesales
Telcos, AI and Telesales: optimising campaigns while reducing market pressure
Telecommunications is a constantly changing and highly competitive sector that, since the liberalization of the market in the late 90s, has become the protagonist of ...
Debt CollectionTelco
Telco and Debt Collection: how to best implement it in 2023
The Telco sector is no exception and, although it has been able to find some benefit in the need to rethink work-life with a view ...
Anti-ChurnArtificial Intelligence
Churn Rate and Customer Experience, how to reduce the rate of abandonment of your customers thanks to AI
Finding new customers and increasing sales is one of the key principles of any company that wants to excel within its industry, but businesses have ...
Artificial IntelligenceDigital Transformation
Data Driven Strategies: business success through Artificial Intelligence
Each organization has the objective of studying and putting into practice strategies that enable it to reach its objectives and the top of its market. ...
Artificial IntelligenceBPO
Shaping the BPO of the future thanks to Artificial Intelligence
The Call Center market is constantly growing, valued at a global level of 91 billion dollars, it is expected that it will reach 150 billion ...
Artificial IntelligenceDebt Collection
Phone Collection and Artificial Intelligence: how prioritizing lists facilitates the achievement of goals
Companies that work with debt collection, and especially Phone Collections, must be able to establish strategies that cope with different levels of difficulty, some related ...