

AI Assistants and Growth Business Strategies

AI Assistants and Growth Business Strategies Introduction AI assistants are rapidly becoming indispensable tools for business growth. These advanced technologies not only automate repetitive tasks, but also provide support in strategic decision-making, significantly improving operational efficiency. Adopting AI assistants means embracing innovation and positioning oneself at the forefront of their industry. Role of AI Assistants […]

How to Use AI Predictive Models for Churn Prediction

What is AI Marketing and How Do Predictive Models Work AI marketing represents a revolution in the way companies interact with their customers. By using artificial intelligence, businesses can analyze large volumes of data to identify patterns and trends, thus improving the personalization and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Predictive Models Predictive models play a crucial […]

AI Marketing: Predicting Future Customer Lifetime Value to Increase Sales

Customer Lifetime Value, CLV, AI Marketing

Introduction In today’s competitive world, increasing sales is a priority for any business. The analysis of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) proves to be an essential tool to achieve this goal. Concept of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): CLV represents the total value that a customer brings to a company during the entire period of their customer […]

Boost Your Sales Using Artificial Intelligence for Lead Scoring

lead scoring, CRM

Introduction Lead scoring is a crucial technique in the sales process that allows companies to evaluate and classify potential customers based on their likelihood of conversion. This method not only optimises time and resources, but significantly improves the effectiveness of marketing and sales campaigns. BigProfiles stands out as the best artificial intelligence software for lead […]

Artificial intelligence and data analytics, the future of modern businesses

Artificial intelligence and data analytics, the future of modern businesses There is no doubt that analytics and emerging technologies are essential to generating more value for businesses through data. But there is one essential aspect that runs through the entire process: trust in the data itself. Just as sterilization is essential in clinical laboratories, trust […]

BigProfiles Platform

The AI autopilot for predictive analytics Autonomous, scalable and streamlined end-to-end predictive modeling, from data cleaning to real-time predictions Book a demo Let BigProfiles model and predict For each predictive model, BigProfiles performs data cleaning, tests dozens of Machine Learning algorithms and trains the best one, deploys the model and integrates it in real time […]

Ethical Artificial Intelligence at the Center of Future Markets

Ethical Artificial Intelligence at the Center of Future Markets Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in new areas of our daily lives, from the suggestions for products or content we consume, to being the digital assistant that facilitate tasks. However, as the implementation of AI advances, so does concern from consumers, business leaders, and governments about […]

Improving donor retention for non-profits in 2023

Developing the donor base is crucial for any non-profit organization, but it is often tempting to invest more in donor acquisition than in donor base development. However, this attitude is slowly changing, increasingly recognizing the importance of donors who are already involved in one’s organisation. We have already seen in this article how non-profit organizations have the possibility to set up effective acquisition campaigns in order to increase the number of donors. Today we will examine with how they can manage to keep those who have already shown commitment to their cause through donor retention strategies, with the aim of increasing the percentage of donors who continue to donate regularly over time.