
Dissolving the complexity of the modern market thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Today, in many sectors, the market is undergoing a phase of profound change, above all due to the increasingly competitive economic context and the stressful economic crisis to which companies are called to adapt to with new conditions necessary to keep the business alive. Companies must know how to react promptly to these rapid changes […]

SMART goals: what they are and how to set them for success

Specific, measurable, recognized, realistic and time-bound: this is how the objectives should be formulated so that they prove effective for the purposes of our planning and organisational work. To achieve this, you can rely on the SMART method, an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bounded which indicates the criteria for formulating an objective, which […]

How to set up Data Driven strategies and contribute to business success

The Internet and technological developments have made available a series of effective tools for grouping a very large amount of data. When applied to business, this opportunity becomes incredibly useful and profitable. According to recent estimates, approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day. This growing volume of information is defined by the […]

Improving donor retention for non-profits in 2023

Developing the donor base is crucial for any non-profit organization, but it is often tempting to invest more in donor acquisition than in donor base development. However, this attitude is slowly changing, increasingly recognizing the importance of donors who are already involved in one’s organisation. We have already seen in this article how non-profit organizations have the possibility to set up effective acquisition campaigns in order to increase the number of donors. Today we will examine with how they can manage to keep those who have already shown commitment to their cause through donor retention strategies, with the aim of increasing the percentage of donors who continue to donate regularly over time.

DEM and Artificial Intelligence: the future of Direct Marketing

Direct Email Marketing is one of the traditional tools of web marketing which, even today, if used correctly, can bring innumerable advantages to companies, allowing them to reach potential customers directly or to retain their current clients. First, it must be distinguished from the newsletter, which represents more of a periodic update that is sent to users who have given their consent to receive communications in order to inform them about a specific theme, service, product or simply to report any news at a company level. Its primary objective is to maintain a relationship with its subscribers, so that they remember the company, fuelling the level of trust by providing quality and useful content and ideas for the subscribers themselves.

Customer Centricity and Artificial Intelligence: the foundations of a winning business

In today’s context, the paradigms on which a company must base itself to be able to maintain itself as a successful business are constantly changing, suspended in a sort of permanent evolution fueled by the set of new technologies and innovations that enter the market every day, shaping the way we do business. Widespread technology, multi-channels, and the possibility of being informed at any time on any topic have changed not only the way we use products/services but also the behavior and expectations of current and potential customers.

How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world of Non-profit organizations

Non-profit organizations are entities that carry out activities of general interest and social utility without making a profit and whose revenues must be reinvested to continue pursuing the purpose for which it was born. In recent years, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine,and the ever-present debate on the rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean, have meant that the number of non-profit companies has increased enormously and, consequently, that the sector has more and more need for new funds to be allocated to humanitarian activities.

Customer Care and Artificial Intelligence: the customer at the center

In today’s context, any success story in the business environment can only start from maintaining an idyllic relationship with its customers. The world has changed, the competition between companies has become decidedly tighter than in past years and customers are decidedly more informed, more selective, and more demanding than in the past. In this sense, customer care, personalized promotions for customers and targeted content are successful solutions to win them over. The objective of customer care, in fact, is to offer value. It is not limited to the purchase, but by utilising the appropriate levers and a whole series of on-line and off-line tools which, in an appropriate way, allow for the development of an integrated and 360° customer care service.

Data Driven Strategies: business success through Artificial Intelligence

Each organization has the objective of studying and putting into practice strategies that enable it to reach its objectives and the top of its market. However, these strategies do not always prove to be effective and, in most cases, this is found within those organizations still attached to more traditional and vertical systems, which rely on strategies based on personal feelings or very often on incomplete analyses, unable to provide a complete picture of the constantly changing market or, more importantly, of what is required by consumers.