
How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world of Non-profit organizations

Non-profit organizations are entities that carry out activities of general interest and social utility without making a profit and whose revenues must be reinvested to continue pursuing the purpose for which it was born. In recent years, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine,and the ever-present debate on the rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean, have meant that the number of non-profit companies has increased enormously and, consequently, that the sector has more and more need for new funds to be allocated to humanitarian activities.

Customer Care and Artificial Intelligence: the customer at the center

In today’s context, any success story in the business environment can only start from maintaining an idyllic relationship with its customers. The world has changed, the competition between companies has become decidedly tighter than in past years and customers are decidedly more informed, more selective, and more demanding than in the past. In this sense, customer care, personalized promotions for customers and targeted content are successful solutions to win them over. The objective of customer care, in fact, is to offer value. It is not limited to the purchase, but by utilising the appropriate levers and a whole series of on-line and off-line tools which, in an appropriate way, allow for the development of an integrated and 360° customer care service.

How to increase sales by selecting the right contacts thanks to Artificial Intelligence

The Call Center represents a very important means of contact for companies, as it allows the brand image to be conveyed while maintaining human contact and making it possible to customize the experience according to the customer’s needs. It is no coincidence that companies belonging to various sectors, from Utilities to Telcos, and even debt recovery and non-profits, use it to improve their results in terms of acquisitions, retention, cross-selling and collection, contributing to constant growth of this market, as we have already seen in this article.

Utility and Anti-Churn: how to increase retention rate with Artificial Intelligence

In today’s liberalized and hyper-competitive energy market, one of the biggest challenges for utilities is to lower the churn rate. We have already discussed in this article how important it is to keep customers loyal to your brand, not only in terms of brand image, but also and above all in reference to company turnover. Today we will try to define how and why a utility today can succeed in retaining its consumers while increasing its revenues and without significantly affecting costs.

Artificial Intelligence and Phone Collection: assigning the best agents to the most complex practices

Debt collection campaigns can be very complicated to manage and the companies that manage them must take into account numerous variables in order to achieve their objectives, such as the propensity of a debtor to repay their debt and the economic value that has to be recovered. Currently, the processing method used by most companies dealing with Debt Collection consists of randomly assigning the contacts present in the lists to the operators, without performing any prior analysis on them.

How Artificial Intelligence allows for the optimization of debt collection services of banking and insurance companies

The current economic and commercial instability is playing an increasingly important role in the world of debt collection, with particular reference to companies in the banking and insurance sector.During the pandemic crisis, both of these sectors provided the necessary liquidity to companies to relaunch themselves, but now, with the challenges arising from the increasingly uncertain geopolitical and economic situation, they must be prepared to face the growing difficulties that are arising as a result of the struggles of individuals and companies to pay their debts.

Cross-selling and Artificial Intelligence: how to enhance your Customer Base

The relationship between a consumer and a company does not end at the moment of conversion, rather, it can be said that this moment is only the beginning. From the company’s efforts to try to acquire new customers, we move on to all those activities and strategies that need to be implemented to keep the newly acquired customer tied to the brand and to increase their Customer Lifetime Value, by trying to sell them complementary products that meet their needs.

Artificial Intelligence and Lead Generation: a winning combination

All companies, large or small, have the need to find new customers in order to increase revenues and strengthen themselves within their reference market, consequently it is necessary to implement strategies capable of responding to this need in the best possible way without excessively burdening the company’s finances.