
Inbound and Artificial Intelligence: how to increase the conversion rate of Customer Service to Sales campaigns

Customer Service has a role of primary importance for modern companies: in addition to being a very important point of contact between company and customer, it also brings with it the possibility of being used to increase sales.


In this case we are talking about Customer Service to Sales campaigns, within which we find Upselling and Cross-Selling strategies that allow the company to increase its revenues by offering its customers an upgrade of the current offer or the purchase of complementary products and services.


Being able to conclude a sale with a contact through Customer Service is in any case very difficult and this is due to the fact that the BPOs who deal with interaction do not have the possibility to analyse incoming leads in-depth and in real-time, drastically reducing the probability of a sale.


Let’s look at an example: a multinational BPO manages Customer Service to Sales campaigns for a client in the Telco sector with the aim of carrying out the greatest possible number of upgrades of the current offer or additions to the tariff plan.

To achieve this, the BPO must first of all detach itself from the classic processing of input contacts according to the FIFO logic which, as we have seen in this article, only leads to the cooling of leads more inclined to buy and a drastic drop in sales.


Secondly, give maximum priority and precedence to the contacts most inclined to buy, since while it is true that every incoming call can potentially turn into a sale, it is also true that only some customers will really be interested in upgrading or buying another product.



But how is it possible to carry out a evaluative analysis of incoming leads?


With Artificial Intelligence, Call Centers are able to analyse all incoming leads in real time and sort them according to their purchase probability. In this way, the customers most inclined to buy will be managed with the highest priority and put in contact with the sale team in order to close the purchase.


By moving from a chronological logic to a priority one, based on the probability of conversion, BPOs will thus be able to increase their sales derived from Customer Service to Sales campaigns by up to 20% and achieve their objectives more quickly and easily.
