

Experiential marketing, how to make it perfect thanks to Artificial Intelligence

There is a lot of talk today about how corporate marketing and traditional advertising models are losing their effectiveness. Consumers now scroll through ads, block ads on their computers and smartphones, and are more likely than ever to choose ad-free streaming services over live TV.

It may be time for your company to change direction and focus on experiential marketing, a method that focuses on connecting consumers with a unique and dynamic brand experience, which can include live events, installations, product launches, webinars and fairs.

Experiential marketing, or engagement marketing, is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and encourages them to participate in a brand experience.

While in traditional marketing consumers are considered passive recipients of a company’s message, in experiential marketing, the brand directly involves the consumer by working on their emotional sphere to create a lasting and personal bond between brand and customer. In this case the experience is the differentiating aspect, as it is built to be engaging and personalised, with the aim of promoting not only a product, but the value of a brand with a view to loyalty. In short, experiential marketing allows consumers not only to purchase a product or service, but to experience its use through being part of the community by leveraging the ability to create emotional connections between customer and brand.

To be able to set up a successful experiential marketing campaign, it is still necessary to carry out some preventive steps and equip yourself with some innovative technological tools capable of guaranteeing the success of the initiative, such as Artificial Intelligence.

First, you need to identify the target audience you want to pitch your campaign to, so you can determine the most effective ways to establish a connection. Using AI, all of this becomes simpler, as it allows you to analyse large quantities of data and quickly define which audiences are most sensitive to what you are offering.

Secondly, you need to know what goal you want to achieve. Depending on whether you want to create awareness or generate sales, you will need to focus, for example, on an event where you will offer general branded freebies about the company, or you will aim to leave space for the product or service you are marketing. This depends on the market situation and what the company needs at that moment. Through artificial intelligence it becomes possible to analyse the patterns of the reference market and find not only the right customers, but also the right way to approach them.

Finally, it is important to create memorable experiences, in order to maintain a strong impression in the consumer’s mind and advertise the event through multi-channel campaigns that integrate various platforms, from social media to print media, for example. Also in this case, Artificial Intelligence comes to the aid of companies, thanks to the possibility of identifying the preferences of potential customers in such a way as to be able to offer them what they want at 360 degrees, thus offering an experience that they will not easily forget. This is not limited only to choosing the best product for the selected target, but also the most suitable location to ensure that what they experience will remain imprinted in their minds, thus increasing brand awareness.

For today’s companies, therefore, implementing an experiential marketing strategy represents a valuable opportunity to show their customers how their brand stands out in the market. Addressing the more emotional side of your consumers today is the only way to offer something different from a simple product/service and make your brand remembered over time.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, all this becomes much simpler. Companies like BigProfiles, by offering an intuitive and easy-to-use platform, ensure that anyone within the company, even without any knowledge of coding, can analyse the target audience and the reference market in order to be able to create an effective marketing campaign.

Do you want to know more about how you can implement Artificial Intelligence within your company? Request a free demonstration with one of our consultants by filling out the form below!